Theonomic Precedent in the Theology of John Calvin

Theonomic Precedent in the Theology of John Calvin by rev. Christopher B. Strevel An essay in commemoration of Dr. Greg Bahnsen (1947-1995), whose work in theology, philosophy, and apologetics rendered to the Church of Jesus Christ a lasting contribution, offered in humble thanksgiving to Almighty God for the impact of his work upon my own... Continue Reading →

Calvyn se Institusie gratis !

CALVYN SE INSTITUSIE (1559) Dr. Hennie van Wyk skryf namens die CBJF: Dit is met groot dankbaarheid dat die CJBF vanaand om 19:00 die 1559 Institusie van Calvyn gratis op die internet vrystel op die CJBF se webwerf: Institusie van Calvyn Ook hier beskikbaar in een PDF dokument: Calvyn se Institusie (let wel: ongeveer 200MB grootte)... Continue Reading →

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